I have been looking for a plastic free, loose leaf tea for a while now and I came across this gorgeous little company in Lincolnshire a couple of moths ago. I've been drinking their tea myself ever since, so I am very excited to now stock a range of their delicious teas on Life Unplastic.
Did you know that a lot of tea bags contain plastic, crazy right! As soon as I found out I made the switch to loose leaf tea, not only does it taste better it actually saves me money because it lasts so much longer!
Produced from cut peppermint leaves, nothing else.
When steeped it produces a refreshing caffeine free drink to be enjoyed anytime of the day.
Great to give you a pick me up and aids digestion.
Infuse for 5 minutes.
You can drink this tea without milk.
- Plastic Free
- Tastes incredible
- Saves money
- Compostable packaging
- Aids Digestion
- Caffeine Free
Another 5 teas also available.